So in my last blog I discussed my dislike for "over friendly" stalkers for the band I am in. This then revoked my hatred for other bands stalkers/groupies/weirdos. I am pretty sure most of you will click on about who and which musicians I am discussing, so I have given appropriate aliases to the subjects.
Firstly I would like to talk to you about the groupies/girlfriend wannabes that these male bands attract. In more cases than none, they show clear disturbing behavior, have terrible dress sense and tend to hang around by themselves.
One girl in particular who has seemed to have disappeared off the scene, (for blog purposes I will call her Purple) was very fond of attending the worlds famous club at one stage and in particular one of the resident bands, The Rattles (again for blog purposes). Purple would sit on the step, in the arch at the side of the stage, sour faced and staring intently at the band as they play. Looking for eye contact and smiling whenever one of the musicians accidentally looked her way. "He sings this for me and only me" she thinks. Well there are a couple of things there right away love.
1. No he doesn't.
2. He sings it because he is paid to do so.
3. They are not his lyrics as the song is a cover and so it was not written for you.
4. It is played due to being a popular song from the sixties you freak!
5. This list is not exhaustive.
The first time I met Purple, I was back stage at the worlds most famous club, where she was awaiting The Rattles to finish their performance. She never introduced herself as any normal minded person would, in fact she sat on the sofa, laid back and raised her legs. She then opened them very widely and boldly screached "I am waiting for The Rattles to come off so I can do this for them hahahahahaha.....".
I really didn't know what to say and so did not respond other choke. I think I did actually swallow my tongue at that point as there was some dangerous camel toe happening and it was very sweaty in the club. Not a great combo.
The 5 minutes it took for someone else to come in the room felt like the longest 5 minutes of my life. She casually informed me she was addicted to beta blockers and takes them for recreational purposes. She can speak fluent Spanish but only to her Brazilian lover from a Brazilian Beatle Band who is leaving his wife for her?. (I did not want to question the obvious here). She had also gained her SIA licence to work at the newly built Echo arena so she can get closer to the artists performing, in particular, Macca himself who she was good friends with.
Her ass hole must of been jealous of the amount of shit that was pouring out of her mouth!
Since meeting her I then discovered Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr both have injunctions against her. Surprise fucking surprise!
Where she disappeared to Ill never know but hopefully she grew up and realized how much of a tool she was.
I see women like this all the time, not only do they want to listen to the music but in more recent years they want more and have become jealous of people that do not belong to them. Here are some of the strangest examples I have witnessed.
- Attending a band members family party, based on the fact they asked "Am I invited" to the musicians girlfriend (sympathy invite approach) and them being too polite to say no. Then arriving at the venue and getting upset because nobody was talking to them and trying to get people to feel sorry for her by actively approaching the other band members whilst they were busy with their families and saying " I feel left out I think I will go" Nobody knew who you were nor were you particularly close to anyone so what were the chances of you actually feeling part of the family in the first place?
- Gaining trust of band members and preying on their vulnerabilities when they know family/work life may not be at its best, offering a shoulder to cry on and advising them to share their concerns. Then they show the emails to people who never asked to see them so they can brag how close they are to this musician and how it must mean something! It means you have befriended them in order to make it look like something is going on emotionally when actually it is not. You Frube!!
I also received an email recently about an incident at the worlds most favorite club involving one of these 'groupies' from a visitor who was disgusted by their behavior. This email was sent to many others and I was one of the recipients. I have removed/ replaced names.
Here it is!
Hi "Lollipops",
In December 2010 I went to Liverpool on my own nickel, paid for all the lodgings, food, travel, everything. I gave free performances in London and in Liverpool. All this I did out of my heart commitment to keeping John Lennon's spirit alive.
After the Lennon Remembrance, the night of December 9, I was invited over to The Cavern, where "The Jersey Meatles" were playing. They invited me to the stage to sing IN MY LIFE, to which the crowd went insane with enthusiasm.
At the end, when the band was looking for someone to come to the stage, their Lennon was looking right at me, so I made my way to the side entrance to join in with another number. I had suggested A DAY IN THE LIFE, and they were about to play it.
A large person stood facing the stage, blocking the side steps. As I neared the stage, smiling innocently, she suddenly slammed me with her elbow in my ribs and snarled, "Get out of here!"
This was "Fobble Gobble". I'd never had any previous contact with her. Had never heard of her.
I was so shocked, I just stood there. By the time I recovered from the hit, the band had already started the song. So I stood back and listened as they went on without me.
This woman assaulted me, a total stranger, What the... ?!
Perhaps you must; but are you sure you wish to deal with a person of this ilk?
I know I would avoid future gigs if she were there again.
Wishing you safety and peace,
Who wants to go to a gig where you feel unwelcome and cannot even think about moving to the front of the stage in case you get attacked? This behavior is not acceptable. Its not your spot at the front of the stage, you do not own it and never will. You do not have the right over anyone else to be there! I really wish I could slap anyone with these ideas in their heads with a giant fucking hand!
This caliber of creature definitely exceeds any 'Sticky Palmed Blert I have to deal with.
To finish with I am going to clear up any questions /queries/mysteries/theories/ lies these idiots like to conjure up. I may reiterate some previously mentioned examples but I really do not think it will help them on their road to recovery.
1. "Do you think because he looked at me when singing "In My Life" that he has feelings for me? He looked embarrassed when he noticed I had seen him looking "
No! You stupid cunt. A few points here to be clear about. The lights are that bright on stage that the artist cannot possibly look straight ahead at all times. Most of the time they cannot see anyone who is watching other than if you were at the front. The probability is you were at the front and so you have caught the musician having a general look around to give his eyes a rest. The look you have deemed embarrassing is more awkwardness as he knows how doolally you are and does not want you to think anything like you already are!
2 ."Will he think it is too much if I..." " Will I come across as weird if I..."
I will stop you there, Yes is the answer you are looking for. If you even have to question whether anything will be too much or weird then it will be!
3. "I have found out he is having a family outing/party and I have not been invited. Should I hint and or try and ask for one?"
Fuck No! You pathetic loser! If they wanted you to be there they will send you an invite accordingly. If you guilt someone into inviting you they still wont acknowledge you as a true acquaintance and will regret going through with it. Attending this event will not improve how much this person likes you no matter how much you get on with family/friends. It makes you look even more like you require the lethal injection. Friendships occur naturally, no amount of intellectual schemes can be applied in order for a good relationship to blossom.
4. " I go to see the band all the time so that is my seat at the front!"
If you have not reserved it, no it fucking isn't!
5. " I 'accidentally' walked in on them whilst they were getting changed and they all blushed. They must fancy me"
NO they do not, they were red in face because they were holding back the anger of punching you in the face because you felt you had a right to come into the dressing room anyway. Nobody has the right to be in the dressing room other than the musicians themselves
Sometime I sit back and think 'Shouldn't I be paying to see people like you in a parade or something?!'
The list of these questions are endless and the above examples collated from a number of fuck wits I have had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting over the years.
It is not a personal attack on any of the normal fans of bands who partake in harmless fan fun such as getting t shirts made, travelling to see the bands, starting a fan page etc as I do this myself. It is merely me expressing my angry opinion about those individuals who see the band/artist as theirs and how nobody has the right to like them as much they do.
It's women like these that do not help with female music/band enthusiasts being stereotyped as home wreckers! The amount of hostility you can receive from a WAG is unreal sometimes and its no wonder.
To help you if you have never experienced one of these people, here are the clear signs you are dealing with a disturbed fan.
- They usually sit at the front of the stage intently and eyeball anyone who comes near their space such as dancers and other females as they do generally give off the impression they own the joint (even though it is a dance floor they have decided to place themselves onto)
- If you know a band member and talk to them before/after gig, the warped mind of the stalker will be too curious not to know who you are (even though it is none of their business) and will either approach you or find out from a mutual acquaintance. They will shortly approach you.
- Once they have introduced themselves they will ask you how you know the band/how long for (they will already have this information) and if you have known them longer or on a more personal level - a friend request will follow on facebook and you will be asked about the bands personal lives/preferences. Followed again by a 'meet up for coffee/tea' request
- If you have not known the band longer or not on a close level, they will not associate with you as they don't feel they could gain any extra Intel on the band and will therefore actively ignore your presence in the future.
- When they do speak to you they claim to be 'close' to the band (if you were close you would not have to state this, especially to someone you have just met.) unless they have insulted them.
- They usually require the fashion police
- They are usually by them self or with someone as equally bonkers.
- Again this list is not exhaustive
I hope my hormones have not offended the wrong people. If I talk to you face to face or on facebook then this is not about you.
Peace and Love
Rant Over !
(for now)